Saturday, May 10, 2008

Show a little respect a-hole!

Padma Lakshmi is considered by some the first Indian fashion model. She’s from Kerala and was raised in Madras and Ny. She is extremely elegant.. and I absolutely love her presence on Iron Chef!! Her trademark scar on her arm is from a car accident from when she was younger..

Her ex-husband, Salman Rushdie is an acclaimed novelist..he might not be much too look at but he’s chill RAJ and get the facts right!


Padma Lakshmi

I am gonna start us off right… How fricken gorgeous is Padma Lakshmi from Iron chef!!! Even that nasty burn scar doesn’t taint her hotness. I mean god daaamn!!! Frankly, she irritates the hell out of me on Top Chef, but man she is gorgeous…check out these curves..


I swear, I don't care if she's 40...ridic

I enjoyed this pic due to the revealing picture of Padma.. to my horror I found out that was her ex-husband Salman Rushdie. No offense bro but you lucked the fuck out!



This Blog is intended to bring awareness to Indian culture in the United States and the world. Both Raj and Priya will be blogging and presenting different issues and viewpoints. You are invited to comment and give you’re opinion!

-The Indian Nation